Massaging shoulder

massage foot

Massaging shoulder
Visualize Yourself..
Pain free
At Active Motion Therapy we utilize Active Release Techniques and other Therapeutic Massage techniques to help you attain your wellness goals. Our specialties are blended for your individual needs, and you will always have a personally tailored treatment each and every time so you will attain the results you are looking for. We are committed to continually expanding our knowledge so that we may heighten the level of improvement you achieve during your Active Motion Therapy treatment.
Regain Performance
By restoring proper muscle movement, proper muscle function is also restored. This allows the body to perform as efficiently as possible. As an athlete, you want your body to be performing at the most efficient level possible. Effective treatment of any soft tissue injury when executed properly will:
Substantially decrease healing time.
Treat the root cause of the injury.
Improve athletic performance.
Shawn has a kind, gentle approach and knows his stuff! I had severe pain in my upper shoulder and neck area. Within a few minutes Shawn did some ART techniques on me and I had instant relief! Thank you,
Kristen N.
Morriseville, VT
Pain Resolution
Sports injuries or repetitive use injuries (i.e. computer work) can be weeks, months or even years in the making. If you have pain or stiffness in your muscles related to sports or training, don't ignore the warning signs. At Active Motion Therapy we use Active Release Techniques to quickly and effectively improve the function of joints and soft tissues, reduce inflammation, and speed up healing. This treatment along with massage therapy can also help reduce the risk of re-injury, improve performance, and return an athlete to training more quickly than passive therapies such as bracing and rest.
Shawn provided excellent services to me in the past and I would highly recommend him. His expertise is thorough and the results were immediate and lasting. The technique Shawn employed was just what was needed to solve the problem at hand.
Kirk P.
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